Monday, March 17, 2008

Seasonally Confused

Yes. After much bike riding and "spring coat wearing" this weekend/past week, my children are riding bikes...outside...with snow pants, winter coats, hats, mittens, and boots on. Mind's snowing...AGAIN. It's really quite amusing...the seasonal confusion, not the snow. As you know it's my worst enemy. Just when we started to see grass, not necessarily GREEN grass, but grass none-the-less, it SNOWS...AGAIN! I am stuck in my own personal hell. Pray for me.

Do bicycles even come with snow tires?
Because I think we need them today!

A Survey

Stuff we really want to know...

1. Why do you have the number of children you have? Well, we have two boys then a girl. (Three kids in 2.5 years). Kalie just seemed like a perfect way to end our family. She is our princess and will always be...if we could have chosen the order of our children, it was always boy, boy, the boys could protect their sister. I'm glad that's the way we were blessed.

2. What do you think about a woman running for President? I think it's history in the making. I know women have done many amazing things over the years. Since we have never had a woman president I question how a woman would make decisions based on facts and not emotions, though. Clinton would not be my choice, for the record.

3. How do you feel about teenagers in today's society and on what authority do you have these feelings? Teenagers are interesting. I know teenagers today are doing things I would have never considered doing when I was that age. I know they get a bad rap at times but I also know (because my husband has been working with Jr Highers and High schoolers for 15 years) that they can be challenged spiritually like no adult can. They have a faith in God that is pure faith. Once we become adults so many things get in the way of our faith.

4. Why do you like the music you do? I love music that makes me want to get up and move. I don't like any artists in particular but I do like songs that make me want to dance or clap my hands or swoop my children into my arms and spin them around! I love it all, country, pop, oldies, rock and the occasional rap song! I love songs that bring me back to another time and place.

5. Do you believe we are a product of our upbringing or do you think we create who we are by our experiences? Why? I think we are both. I think that we are highly influenced by how our parents raised (or didn't raise) us. I also believe that the way we are raised causes us to make certain choices in a certain way. We do forge out on our own from under the shelter of our parents and fumble with choices but I think our upbringing brings us back around.

6. What color shoes do you have on? Just kidding!!! What is your greatest strength? (Don't be humble, be honest.) My greatest strength...when I figure it out, I'll let you know. Any suggestion welcome. :)

7. What are you thoughts on Homeschooling? Why? I think it's great, more power to the mom's who can do it...but it IS NOT for me. I think it produces kids who are wonderful thinkers. On occasion I have seen it produce kids who are socially challenged though.

8. Why do you like your spouse? Come on be specific!!! Brian is an amazing man. He is a hard worker and he is highly motivated to take care of our family. I know that he stands behind all that I do and I know that he will still love me wholly 100 years from now.

9. What are your thoughts on texting (cell phones, not IM)? I love my cell phone and I love texting my husband. I can give him little encouragements throughout the day and/or grocery lists.

10. What kind of car do you want and why? 2008 Ford Mustang GT in Silver, because it's cooler than a minivan. Or a Lexus GX for when I have the kids, ya know.

11. What do you need to be happy, really happy? See #10 hahahaha, just kidding. I think to be happy I really just need to let go of the little things that bother me on a daily basis. I need to give so much over to God to be in control. I find I need to be in control a lot and it just never works out right for me.

12. What memory makes you smile every time you think of it? My babies when they were freshly born, holding them in my arms. And praying in the prayer room (at Crown College) with Brian before our first date.

13. Describe in one word how you feel at this very moment. Cold

14. If you could redo one moment in time what would it be and would it completely change your whole life or just a situation? Well, without going into the details there is a moment I would love to changed that would have made my life very different, but I also know that it has shaped me into the person I am right now.

15. OK, you have done so good so here's the last one...Did you feel like this survey challenged your thoughts a bit? It was hard...I had to really think and I started and restarted it several times!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Twas' the night before Monday
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
but maybe a mouse.
The children were nestled
all snug in their beds,
on top of the covers in sleeping bags.

With mom still in jammies
and dad in Arizona,
it had been a long day,
mom needed a Corona!

The dishes were done,
in the washer with care,
in hopes come morn'
a cupboard they'd share.

The coffee was ready, "brew" button pushed
perkin' at 6, I won't be draggin' my tush!

Homework finished. Tears shed.
Baths taken, stories read.
We were all lucky no one was dead.

So there you all have it
the blog that I bode
Now I am off to pick up toys
in my humble abode

for they lay on the floor
and I wish them out of sight...
Happy Sunday to all and to all a good night!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Coffee, Green Grass & Smack Down

So it seems as if some people are not too happy with my blog, or lack-there-of. So I have been informed that I need to add something, anything, other than that stupid "Addendum" blog. So Amy and Kim, this is for you, and anyone else who checks daily hoping for a nugget, just some little ole nugget of info.

Here it goes.

No. I can't write about that.

Hmmmmm, not that either.

What that won't work.

Let's see...maybe, I think I have seen this before...5 Things I love for the 5th of March???

Da da da da

5 things I love for the 5th of March

5. When my kids come running after dinner to give me a kiss because their father has said to them "You better kiss your mother good-bye". We have a little tradition after dinner at the Stewart house, it's called "Smack Down". What it entails, well, let me just tell you that recently we had to put a stop to Smack Down because we didn't have health insurance! Now that United Health has us covered, it's on, baby!

4. Even though it gets annoying at times, I love the way my kids fight over who gets to sit by me at dinner or while we snuggle before bed, no assigned seats here, folks.

3. The way Kalie stumbles into the kitchen in the morning and sleepily asks me for coffee (in her teeny tiny San Diego Zoo mug). She's ready for Switzerland, Kim!

2. Good friends, good coffee (Dunkin Donuts) and great conversation. Thanks for always listening girls!

Drum roll please...

And the number one thing I love


just kidding, I really hate snow and I cannot wait to see green grass again...currently not found anywhere in Minnesota due to the ridiculous amounts of snow that have fallen over the past 5 months.

So there you have it. A new blog. And lucky for you, I have two others in the works, just to keep you coming back!!!