Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The ABC's of 2008

Here are some highlights from 2008, presented in ABC format. If you want to do your own, please post a link in the comments! Enjoy! Idea bloglifted from becca-jo ~thanks for the idea, friend!

A is for anniversary...Brian and I celebrated our 10th! It's amazing to
me that we have been together ten years but it has been worth the ride!

B is for blogging, I love to do it and I love to read the blogs of others' but am always struggling to find the time and the "fodder" for it! Hopefully 2009 will be good for more blogging!

C is for Caleb, our firstborn. He turned 8 in October and loves his second grade class at Delano Elementary school. He is so creative and loves to draw. He also is in Destination Imagination and loving it! We are proud of him!

D is for Daycare. I currently have one full time family (which I have had almost two years) and three families that come one day a week each. I am loving staying home with my kids and contributing to our income. It's a blessing and I love being a blessing to these families.

E is for Etsy. My pathetic storefront. I love shopping on etsy. I could get lost for hours looking at stuff. I tried my hand at selling...not so much...didn't want to make a ton of stuff and have it not sell. I am mostly selling stuff to friends anyway!

F is for Facebook. I have enjoyed connecting with old high school friends, middle school friends, friends from our churches in Menomonie and California and keeping up to date with family!

G is for Grace. As in our new church. We had a bagillion interviews...well, Brian did. But any other job in the world, I wouldn't be interviewing along with my husband! It was an arduous process but in the end we are truly blessed to have been chosen for such a wonderful job. We are excited for what God has in store for our family there.

H is for housekeeping. I hate cleaning the house and have decided that it's pointless anyway. Enough said.

I is for Internet, how would I live without the information highway? This past year we have used it to diagnose many a medical condition, find jobs, stay connected, find new meals for dinner, and find crafts! So basically, it's a sanity saver.

J is for Jones. Edward Jones. A job Brian thought he would like but turned out to loath...a job that showed Brian that God had really called him to a life of serving in the ministry of a church. Jones started the ball of change rolling in the right direction, which we had lost sight of.

K is for Kalie who turned 5 in July and started Kindergarten in the Fall. She is a love and is so kind. And she is helpful and considerate of others...we love her so much!

L is for lessons. The kids are now great swimmers thanks to Uncle Paul Liedl. All of his dedication to helping the kids learn to be comfortable in the water had them jumping into the deep end and swimming across to the other side in no time! Olympics, here they come!

M is for mowing! Brian worked this summer with my parents mowing lawns, landscaping and cleaning up while we were in transition to a new job. We consider it a blessing to have had the opportunity to work for them.

N is for new stove! Hooray! I have never felt so much gladness as the day I started my Christmas cookies and realized Christmas cookies don't need to be burnt nor are they meant to be burnt!

O is for the grass-less spot on my lawn because it housed our pool. Many hours of enjoyment in the sun when there were too many kids to fit in the car for the beach! (get it, the grass is gone in a circle shape-it's a stretch, I know). I enjoyed my time as the Life Guard!

P is for Paris! I was blessed with an amazing trip to Switzerland and France with two of my best friends in the world. It was a time of reflection, adventure and new experiences as we celebrated a mom's night out in style!

Q is for quiet of which I am finding a hard time locating. Occasionally, I am in my car alone and I prefer to not even turn on the radio. I just sit in the silence! It truly is golden and I'm starting to figure out why (it's hard to find and is worth so much).

R is for rally. We could not have made it through this difficult Spring/Summer transition without the prayers, encouragement, and listening ears of our dear friends and our Life Group. We are so fortunate to have such amazing people in our lives.

S is for sewing, of which I have done a lot this year. Bags, aprons, and pillows & pillowcase dresses, onesies for new babies and blankets too! I was channeling my inner "Rita" (my dad's mom who passed away in 2002) as I sat at her old Singer. There is a story behind it my family will never let me forget, but that's another post ;)

T is for Theater. We took the kids to see "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" at the Children's Theater. We had such an amazing time hanging out with our kids and hope to include trips to the theater more in 2009!

U is for Uncle Aaron. We spent Mother's Day at Aaron's and he gave us all rides through his yard on his motorcycle. He was also on "Diners, Drive-in and Dives" which was so fun to see! It's amazing that when I was little and my mom told me "Someday you're going to love your brother", it actually came true! He is truly an awesome brother and uncle to my children!

V is for Viking Training Camp. We went down to Mankato this year for training camp and the boys got to participate in football camp and Kalie got to participate in cheerleader camp! It was so fun! The kids had a blast and it was another one of those great family times!

W is for waiting. I think we did a lot of waiting this year. In the waiting we found that our God is a mighty and faithful God who really does provide for His children.

X is for x-rays and I'm pretty sure we didn't need any this year! Hooray!

Y is for yawning. In the midst of raising three kids, doing day care, not cleaning the house, church jobs and Master's Degrees, Brian and I are constantly can be so tiring but so thrilling at the same time and yet we are thankful for the things that cause us to yawn.

Z is for Zachariah. My marvelous middle who turned 6 in March and started 1st grade this year. He continues to show us how to live life on the wild side, abandoning the "rules" along the way. He is great with the little kids and selfless in his giving! We are so thankful for a wonderful son!

So, there you have it...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Menu Plan Monday!

I usually don't do this online. I usually make my grocery list and put a side bar of all the breakfasts/lunches/dinners (hey, you have to be a little organized when you have 5+ kids a day, right?) then I transfer those meals to my weekly meal planner (I'm so organized when it comes to food, anything else...not so much!) that hangs on my refrigerator. Well, since the great cleaning of December 2008 (i.e. "quick, throw everything in a bag, company's comin'", method) I have done lost the menu planner that hangs oh-so-nicely on the fridge. So alas, I resort to blogging my meals this week.

Monday: Calzones, Caesar salad
Tuesday: Ginger Glazed Salmon, Asparagus

Well, I could only think of two things...don't blame me. I hear lots of noise upstairs that may need to be dealt with! Oh no...someone just yelled "Fire in the hole"...this could be bad

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


To some of you, this might come as a complete shock. To others who know me oh-too-well, not so much. Right now I could be doing one of about a hundred different things, such as making the aprons I need to make for Christmas gifts, making the p.j. bottoms I promised my three kids (also a Christmas gift), frosting the 6 dozen Christmas cookies the church needs for Friday's Live Nativity, wrapping Christmas presents, putting stamps on and mailing the Christmas cards I had printed, changing the diaper of a certain baby (who is sitting in the laundry room putting my underwear on her legs-such entertainment. Yes, they are clean. Which leads me to another thing I could be doing, LAUNDRY). But alas, I sit here typing about the things I could be doing instead of doing them.

There is just something about a long "to do" list that freezes me in my tracks, unable to perform said tasks. I have made several lists of things I need to do...but that was probably another effort to procrastinate. Blogging about procrastinating was not on that list either. I have listed them in order of priority (making aprons, frosting cookies and putting together the teacher gifts) all due before the weekend. Guess I should stop typing and change the baby...since she smells like a priority right now! Now that that's done...I wish I could just have a day to freeze time and accomplish all the things I need to get done and want to get done. Boy, I'm thinkin' Santa would be laughing his jolly head off about now!

Dear Santa,
I've been a relatively good girl this year...I've helped
friends, been kind to others, I've given money to those less fortunate.
I've really tried to do all I can. All I really want for Christmas is
a few minutes to do the things I don't ever have time for...



My "to do" list should read: 1. Spend time with my children (they are growing so fast) 2. Spend time with my husband (he's all I will have when the kids leave home, and if we don't have a good relationship now, there won't be one then). 3. Spend time with the people I love the most (my parents, my brother and Heather, friends and family) 4. Give of myself to those in need.

Here's a little video that I thought was appropriate to share.

No more procrastinating. Let's not use our time worrying about things that don't matter...let's use it to bless others.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Game

A challenge from Kim! I'm in...

The rules: use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. All places, names and things must be real - nothing made up. You can't use your own name for the boy/girl name question.

What's your name…Rebekkah
A four letter word…runt
A boy's name…Richard
A girl's name…Rachel
An occupation…retail sales
A color…red (that was kinda easy)
Something you wear…running shoes
A beverage…Rum
A food…risotto
Something found in a bathroom…razor
A place…Russia
A reason to be late…rush hour

Play along if you like. Leave a comment and let me know you're playing. It's fun (and more difficult than you might think)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wednesday without Words

Out with the old

It is the end of an era at our house. The stove that has resided here for 15 years has been replaced. A much newer model now sits in it's esteemed place in our kitchen. While we have had some good times baking cookies and making meals for friends in need, the old girl had seen much better days. So here it is:

10 things I will not miss about the old Whirlpool

10. The mismatched knobs (hello, Frankenstein)

9. The ever present grease residue on the burner grates

8. The clock that has hands and doesn't work

7. The knob that sticks occasionally and clicks until you remove said knob and fix the tiny piece that moved just out of place (thus causing the clicking noise)

6. The timers that don't work

5. The "self clean" that doesn't even pretend to work and so should be called "get down on your hands and knees and scrub the daylights out of the blasted thing whilst smelling fumes that burn your nose hairs"

4. The thermostat that doesn't work and thusly causes me to stand by the stove and constantly check to make sure everything is cooking and/or not burning

3. The bent door handle (I think Brian did that)

2. The "rusty, nasty not-even-a-little-shiny anymore" oven racks

1. The tinfoil burnt to the bottom of the stove after the oven decided to heat up to 550* when I set it to 350*

So long old friend. Hello new friend!

Bright and Shiny. Digital. Self Cleaning. A light and a big window to see into the oven. Broiler inside. Storage drawer on the bottom. Gas. Heats up in 10 minutes as opposed to 25-30 minutes for the old one. Gray burners, the non-sticky type. Beeps when it's preheated. How ingenious is that? No tinfoil stuck to the bottom. Did I mention the microwave I got with it? I know I am one lucky gal. And I have the best husband ever for getting it for me!

Ah, the little things!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

I pictured us doing lots of fun things on our 10th anniversary...

but this was not one of them. Yes, that's my husband of ten years. And yes, he is breaking into our house.

The story goes something like this. We left our mini van at my mom's house. She was watching the kids and it made sense. I left my keys for her to take the kids in the van wherever they needed to go. We took her Durango because we thought it would be fun to rent a car but the prices for renting a car made us gasp! The Durango was the next best thing.

Friday morning we left for our day of fun. We went to the Walker Art Center, the Sculpture Gardens and to the Stone Arch Bridge. We also visited Mill Ruins Park, the Guthrie (for a tour) and to Pracna on Main (for dinner)! We had an amazing time together. After this past year and Brian finally getting an amazing job, we felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from us and we truly felt like we connected and enjoyed each others company! It really was wonderful! We stopped at Byerly's for dessert...two "Death by Chocolates" and some movies later and we arrived home. As he stepped out of the Durango, it occurred to Brian that he hadn't brought a set of house keys. Although he knew the answer, he asked if I had my keys by any chance. We were locked out of our house. Luckily, the back door of the garage was open and we got a ladder out and borrowed a flashlight from our neighbors, the Elsen's. Prying the window open, pushing the screen into the house and me climbing through the living room window (in a skirt, mind you) was definitely priceless memories in the making!

at the stone arch bridge looking at the mississippi and ruins of an old flour mill

flour mill damaged in 1991 by fire

looking out of the ruins at the stone arch bridge

at the edge of the guthrie "bridge" looking down at the river and SAB

it's not the eiffel tower in the back but i'm sure gold medal flour is "hot" somewhere! well, maybe not.

In honor of 10 years of marriage...10 highlights of the past 10 years

10.when brian asked me to marry him (nov 21, 1997)

9.our honeymoon in duluth (oct 18, 1998)

8.finding out we were expecting #1 & birth of caleb thomas (oct 27, 2000)

7.moving to California (june 1, 2001)

6.finding out we were expecting #2 & birth of Zachariah Joel (march 3, 2002)! expecting #3 in 2 years! and birth of Kalie Raenell (jul 17, 2003)

4.driving cross country from CA to MN (8 months preggo) (june 1, 2003)

3.buying our first home

2.everyday i get to be home with my children!

1.the next ten years

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Minnesota Fall

The leaves are quickly changing and with it the weather. Crisp fall days are on their way. Now that the kids are back in school there are less spontaneous opportunities to go to the Orchard or rake leaves and jump into them. We cherish family dinners because we are all sitting together (not too many things on the calendar yet) sharing "our favorite part of the day". But as we were sitting at dinner last night I just had to run out to the back yard with my camera. The way the sunset was hitting our trees was incredible. But the most amazing part was our bright orange tree nestled in with trees that were still green. I'm not a very skilled photographer and I think the beauty was only slightly captured. Just thought I would share it with you anyway!

It truly was a beautiful sight created by our Creator! It reminded me of an old Catholic Hymn that I loved.

The heavens are telling the glory of God,
and all creation is shouting for joy.
Come, dance in the forest,
come, play in the field,
and sing, sing to the glory of the Lord.
1. Praise for the sun, the bringer of the day,
he carries the light of the Lord in his rays;
the moon and the stars who light up the way
unto your throne.
2. Praise for the wind that blows through the trees,
the sea’s mighty storms, the gentlest breeze;
they blow where they will, they blow where they please
to please the Lord.
3. Praise for the rain that waters our field,
and blesses our crops so all the earth yields;
from death unto life her myst’ry revealed
springs forth in joy.
4. Praise for the fire who gives us his light,
the warmth of the sun to brighten our night;
he dances with joy, his spirit so bright,
he sings of you.
5. Praise for the earth who makes life to grow,
the creatures you made to let your life show;
the flowers and trees that help us to know
the heart of love.
6. Praise for our death that makes our life real,
the knowledge of loss that helps us to feel;
the gift of yourself, your presence revealed
to lead us home

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It has been soooo long! I am sorry that it seems like I forgot about my trusty followers. Life has been crazy here at the Stewart house. Here are the updates:

  • Brian got a job!!! Praise God. Last Thursday he was offered the position of Adult Ministries Pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Brooklyn Park. We are happy to say that this was the job he REALLY wanted. It's a little out of his comfort zone since he has worked with Junior High and Senior HIgh students for 15 years(!) but he is going to be amazing at this job. I am a lot sad to leave Woodridge. It has been my home for 5 1/2 years and I love the people there and I love seeing friendly smiling faces. It was very hard for me to walk into Grace last Sunday and not see one person I knew. I sat in my seat and sniffled through the service. On a good note, Grace is a lot like WR. Both churches are Baptist General Conference, are growing and reaching people and showing people the love of God. Both have amazing pastors, in fact the pastors at both churches are great friends. I think it will be a hard change but a very good one.

  • The kids are great. Adjusting to school and homework *gulp*. The thought makes my stomach squirm. They are tired of visiting "new" churches and are glad that we have finally "settled". Caleb is enrolled in the Delano DI (Destination ImagiNation) team and is really excited for it to start. I think Kalie is going to be a Daisy girl Scout, though I haven't told her this yet. So don't buy your cookies from anyone else. Now I just need to find something wonderful for Zachariah!

  • I have been busy making stuff of all kinds. Bags, more aprons, I bought stuff to make jammie bottoms for the kids (not started yet), I might try my hand at ballet flat slippers, I also made a 4 tiered skirt for my cousins little girl. You know the usual. I never find a project I don't need to try. I'm keeping busy and my house is paying for it. It's a mess right now so today is House Beautification day (just as soon as I'm done blogging, of course!) I also joined the Army of Women. It's an organization that needs healthy women to do research for breast cancer. I heard NBC Nightly News put out a call to action and I felt compelled to join. Please check it out.

  • Just in case you were wondering, Froggy (as I guess he has been named) is doing really well. After the cricket incident, I have not bought any more food for him and we have just been collecting bugs from outside. It's crazy what that little guy will eat. I am amazed that he has lasted this long and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do this winter to feed him. He may need to be released into the wild.

Well, that's all the news I know for now!

WIshing you a weekend full of wonder!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Toad vs. Pholcus phalangioides

Because Kim said I should.

Pholcus phalangioides or Daddy Long Legs lived a pleasant and beautiful life that was cut short today as he was eaten alive by a small toad. His friends witnessed him happily spinning a web in the sunny window humming a catchy tune ("whistle while you work", perhaps?) Later they heard a small scream and saw him vanish in a large hand, appendages flailing. One friend even suggested he was taken as some sort of cruel game such as "eaten for entertainment" or "look at the interesting things my frog can do".

"Legs" as he was known around the window, is survived by 30 spiderlings and a loving wife. He will be dearly missed as he was a vital part in the catching of many pests around the window.

Monday, September 15, 2008

For the love of Toad

Critter Keeper...$11.99

10 Crickets...$.90

Cricket Food (to keep the food alive)...$6.99

One happy three-legged toad...priceless


one girl in love with Toad!

A few days ago, Zach came running into the house with his hands clenched around a poor defenseless frog (or so we thought). This frog had only three legs and I'm sure he was missing the fourth as he tried to hop away as fast as he could from little hands. But alas, he was caught and forced to live in a rather small bowl with a few rocks and 1/4 inch water for two days without food. Until I discovered how exciting it was to watch a frog catch live food! (I am not being sarcastic here) Apparently, frogs do not think dead bees from my office are very tasty, how was I supposed to know that?

Determined to find our little frog some sustenance, I hunted around the front door for some bugs...a few ants later and I was on to something. It was incredibly interesting to see him eye an ant and thrash his tongue out to catch it. I watched him do this for an hour (after catching about 20 ants that had gathered around a goldfish cracker under Emily's highchair-but that's another blog!)

Now, I have better things to do with my time than quest for ants so yesterday after church I took the kids to PetSmart to find alternative nourishment for frog. Crickets. Jolly good. Little did I know I was going to have to feed the food I was going to feed the frog. So I had to buy cricket food. Somehow I eeked away from buying a place for them to live as well. I also found out that we had a toad and not a frog (due to the bumpy, brown-ness of his skin. Hello. Frogs are green and smooth).

After returning home, excited to set up a home and feed toad, I made a huge mistake. Handing the bag of crickets to a member of my family. Said member shook the daylights out of the crickets...literally. We'll call it Shaken Cricket Syndrome. Now all but three of my ten crickets were dead. Most likely scared to death. *sigh*

Toad moved into his new residence. He is doing well among the weeds, mud and small dish of water for an occasional dip (toads are drier than frogs and need less water) and ate all three of the live crickets, though due to their large nature, took a few more gulps to get them down. Now I have to buy some more because apparently toads are gluttonous in nature. You learn something new everyday.

Now for a name.

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Projects~

"When a thrift store find turns into something beautiful"...sounds like the start of a cheesy novel or something!
Emily and I were perusing the Thrift Shoppe in Buffalo yesterday and happened upon some interesting finds. Well, we actually didn't "happen" upon them, we actually went there searching for them! Earlier in the week I got an email from a friend wondering if I could make something called a "pillowcase dress". What on earth is that, you ask? Well, I wasn't sure either so I turned to Internet to check it out. What I found was a web teeming with darling dresses made out of vintage pillowcases, new pillowcase and some not made out of pillowcases at all but fabric.
Because we all know that a pillowcase is mere fabric after all.
At Red Instead I found wonderful, and easy directions on how to make this adorable dress. A little snip here and a little snip there. Add some ribbon, elastic and a few stitches and Voila! It's ready.

ribbon ties make for an adjustable dress that, should it last that long,
would make a cute shirt to go with jeans when my daughter is in Middle School

Sage Grosgrain ribbon to trim off the bottom!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to school

I guess my blog is turning out to be way too crafty! Maybe I should pay more attention to my family and start blogging about them?!?!

It was the first day of school yesterday and my house was a flutter with anticipation, my anticipation not the kids'. Yesterday was the day I had been waiting for all summer. Sad. But after several weeks of fighting and weeping, it was time for them to go back to school. I love my children but as the old adage goes "too much of a good thing ___________" (what is the rest of that?) I guess you can insert your own blank here. They were ready and I was ready.

Brian made a wonderful breakfast for them: pancakes with strawberries and some sausage on the side. The boys got on the bus without a hitch and/or tears. They were really excited to see the bus but as it approached, so did the butterflies in my tummy! They climbed those steps a little older and a little wiser and barely looked back. I'm sure they will miss me yelling and screaming as much as I will miss yelling and screaming!

Kalie and I spent the morning with Nolan, Addison and Emily and soon it was time for her to have lunch and get ready. By now the sky was gray and rainy. And the 20 minutes we spent in the rain under an umbrella waiting for the bus, saw an outfit change. It was much too chilly for the little skirt and short sleeve shirt she had picked out when it was 80 and humid just hours earlier. Off she went in jeans and a jacket with an umbrella!

Burrrrrr. It's a cold first day of school!

She doesn't look scared at all. She doesn't even look like she's going to miss me even a little bit (maybe it's that yelling and screaming thing again?!?!?) I guess I have some work to do on myself while Caleb, Zach and Kalie are in school?!?!

Well, now for the crafts...I decided to try my hand at applique onesies. My friend Suze ( made some adorable puppy and kitty ones for her son Jasper and I loved them, so here's my rendition (for my friend's baby). Thanks for the link Suze ;)

Flowers, of course

princess crown, typical

M for Morgan

Butterflies, who can resist?

So there you have it...more to come's gonna get a blanket too~

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Apparently I can make bags too!

Recently, I decided I wanted a bag I could sling across my chest and be "hands free". Something I could just put a check book, phone, keys and a lipstick in when I need to run to Target or the grocery store. So I hit the internet for a free pattern. Internet did not disappoint. I found this really cute, super easy pattern that I could modify for a smaller bag for Kalie.
Amy wanted a bag too. I had some notion a million years ago that I would make my own diaper bag for Kalie and bought a pattern but never used it...until now.
I did find a limit to my craftiness though. Don't ask me to make you an oven mitt. It was a sad experience. I will post pictures later.

Monday, August 18, 2008

One Happy Customer

Well, I sold my first apron last week! I am thrilled even though there was not some astronomical bidding war. Apron went to one person who got a steal of a deal at $10. I was amazed at her fast many times have I waited months for some people to leave those 80-some characters? Buyer said: "Adorable apron. We rec'd so many compliments at my 5 yr olds cooking b'day party".

Hooray! One happy customer and one happy seller! My heart is singing!

I have decided to start listing aprons on It's a place to buy and sell all things handmade! Hello. I think they created this site for me (humble, aren't I). You can find me at GerberaDaisyCrazy (another place I'm going to change the banner a million times until I'm happy) or go here: It's cheaper to list than eBay and way more fun, I think! Let me know what you think of my new site (spread the word too) and also let me know what would be a good price for Aprons. How else can I jazz it up and make it appealing and sell-able.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The girl with too many hobbies ~Part One~

Yes. That's me. For some strange reason, I have this urge to take on hobbies. It's like the urge to change my blog layout, background and profile pictures. For some reason I cannot be happy with one. This month's hobby is apron making.

I have literally been sweating over aprons this week. About 5 months ago I saw this apron on And I just had to have the book she used to make it.

So I bought said book.

I made an apron for Kalie, it was THE cutest thing ever! My friend Amy loved it so much, she asked for one for her daughter, Emma. I also made boy aprons for Zach and her son, Logan. They are adorable. Caleb has yet to get his apron though.

Well, Kalie and I were running errands (no, not to Aaron's. This really confuses Kalie) and we stopped by the fabric store (actually, it was calling my name) and I accidentally found some cute fabric I thought was on sale (that's another story), and bought it. I was planning on this being "my" apron (forgot to mention that I loved the apron book so much, I bought the "mom" version of the book). Since I had enough fabric, I made an adult apron and a kid apron and think I might try to sell them on eBay.

Just add it to the list.
  • Sewing
  • Cake baking/decorating
  • Knitting
  • Scrapbooking
  • Photography
  • Card making
  • oooo, don't forget the paper making fiasco of 1998
  • Blogging (Blogger, Myspace & Facebook)
Somehow my amazing husband (and family) put up with my incessant "hobbying". I am sure there are plenty I couldn't even remember to add, dating way back to early childhood years (i.e. bracelet making, cross stitch, calligraphy, drawing). It's not that I look for hobbies. I just see things and I think "I could totally do that". I try it. I like it. Then I blog about it. Then all the "parts" I invested in, get put in a box, until I decide to get rid of them or they come back in style!

Mother Daughter aprons for sale!

Fashionable! Retro!

A must have for the domestic goddess in you!

I really wish I hadn't had that Iced Hazelnut Coffee at 5 p.m. I'm wide awake. Maybe now I have time to finish that scarf I started knitting two years ago!

Monday, July 28, 2008

made ya look


I made you all look!

But as long as you are here, you might as well stay awhile and check out my blog.

For any of you slightly confused, please check out this CaringBridge site for my cousin Mary and see where I signed her guestbook:

Friday, July 25, 2008


Just thought I would share this incredible, touching story that I saw on KARE11 last night. Please go to this site and read or watch the story about Amy Taylor! I hope that if I were to be diagnosed with a terminal illness, I could handle it with as much grace as Amy. I am sure that she has horrible days and painful days. But she is an inspiration to me.

Here is Amy Taylors CaringBridge site:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Land of the Free

We had a great 4th of July! We started the day out with the good ole Delano Parade. The kids collected loads of candy, way more that Halloween even. And we saw many friends and had a wonderful time. After the parade, we drove out to Mahtomedi and went to grandma and grandpa's for a long weekend! We spend the afternoon at Uncle Paul's swimming and catching up with family. Later in the evening, we sprayed the bug spray and walked down to the lake for the fireworks show. They were beautiful...but the kids had a looong day and barely made it...we had to start walking before the grand finale!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Like my Sig?

SO I found this really cool thingy...turns out it's called a "signature". I have one on my email and thought it would be neat to add it to my bloggy!

I had some time to kill (ie waiting for my blood to stop boiling so I wouldn't beat one of my children silly). I was just sitting here perusing blogs and found a link to a signature place. Fun fun.

My husband if off at an interview (praise God, for the interview, not that he's gone), I was cleaning up dinner and the fighting. O the fighting. I am so tired of the fighting. Those boys just do not know when to stop. So I sent them to their room (maybe that's the problem, too much time together) so I could calm down before I spanked them out of anger. That's when said perusing happened and all the signature stuff and now here I am blogging aimlessly. But they are playing oh-so-nicely in the next room. Maybe I won't need to spank them after all.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Proud Big Sister

I suppose I could get into major trouble for doing this...but I took this article off the White Bear Press site. I am in no way crediting myself for this article.

I just thought I was really fun to see a picture of my baby brother Aaron and an article about what he did. He is going to have his 15 minutes of fame. "Well, done brother!" (he's the one in the blue shirt!)

My parents are friends of the Donatelle's and we have been going to their restaurant since before I can remember! Their food is to die for! I even remember my parents threw me a surprise party there when I turned 12!

Food Channel host Guy Fieri was in White Bear Lake to film at Donatelli’s with owners Trish Appleby and Steve Donatelle. The restaurant will be featured on the show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" this fall. — Submitted photo

Donatelli's not your average 'Diner, Drive-in or Dive'
Jun 25, 2008 - 10:19:34 CDT.
by Mike Morgan Staff WriterWHITE BEAR LAKE —

Donatelli's soon will be known far outside its loyal local customer base.The restaurant is being featured on "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives," a Food Channel program. A crew from the show was in town recently for two days of nearly constant filming.It all started when a former local resident now working as a producer on the show was in town eating at Donnatelli's — as she often had growing up.

Thinking the establishment would fit the show, she sought out Trish Appleby, one of the restaurant's operators who was working at the time.Appleby later spent a few hours talking on the phone with another producer describing Donatelli's independent nature.

She learned that the "Diners" series focuses on independent restaurants that make a sizable portion of their offerings from scratch.Additionally, the show only features restaurants that are one-of-a-kind and aren't looking to expand into chains, Appleby said.The criteria fit perfect with Donatelli's. It's been open for decades and makes its own Italian cuisine originally derived from owner Steve Donatelle's family recipes, said Trish, his wife, who goes by the last name Appleby.

In fact, Donatelli's opened as a pizza place in 1979 and has stayed with one owner ever since. It attracts longtime employees and regular customers, some of whom have been going long enough that staff members are meeting their grandchildren.The ever-changing menu of homemade food, along with a few signature dishes, impressed the show's makers.

The amount of food the staff makes each day impressed the crew as well, said Appleby.The show's host, Guy Fieri, watched longtime cooks Aaron Liedl and Jessica Kissell create the restaurant's pasta, sausage, pizza, meat balls and other Italian cuisine.

In all, the film crew shot footage from 8 a.m. to midnight June 1 and 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 3. They interviewed staff members and customers and got plenty of shots of the food — all for a televised segment that will probably last about 12 minutes."I'm curious to see how it comes out," Appleby said. "It was a really interesting experience."

For those wondering how the show's creators select which restaurants to feature, Appleby said they're basically chosen through word of mouth, often through suggestions from people who operate the featured restaurants.Appleby said she suggested the crew head to Florida for a restaurant she frequents there.

As for Donatelli's segment in the spotlight, Appleby says many customers are fans of the program and can't wait to see their favorite local dining spot featured."Every day, people ask when it's going to be on," she said.The date has yet to be set, but the episode featuring Donatelli's is expected to air this fall.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I know. Everytime you come to this blog, it's a new color, isn't it? I think I have a condition called Restless Blog Syndrome. It flairs up quite often. I contunually have the intense need to change things, improve things or make them look just right. I have no idea where it comes from. But everyday, I log on and think "it just does not look right". Sadly, I spend countless hours looking for the "right" blogger template. It's ruining my life, my children are suffering from lack of attention. So is my husband. My house is a wreck. ;o) Consequently, I have the same urge when I log onto my MySpace account. "MUST CHANGE BACKGROUND. MUST CHANGE PROFILE PICTURE." What's to become of me? Maybe I'm just calling out for help.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ahhhh, Summer!

Today was a fun in the sun kind of day. For the purpose of watering the ever crunchy grass, the sprinklers had been turned on and all children were dressed in their swimming suits. It's a good 84* in Minnesota and the perfect day for causing a sprinkler raucous.

So innocent looking and yet so full of mischief.

Let's get some sun on that boy!

It's always a good idea to remember your rain boots whilst running in the sprinkler! And always bring your Frisbee so you can shield yourself.

Our buddy Logan came to play and ride bikes. We had a Lemonade stand, which soon became the Medical Station due to the perils of biking, it's brutal. But the Raspberry Lemonade abounds and now 5 children are fast asleep at 2:33 in the afternoon.